I created The Chrome Bar to speed up my personal web browsing experience, it is the missing super-powered command bar for the Chrome browser which enables quick keyboard navigation across the internet.
Feel free to use it in your own browser for free and to make the project even better…
It has been submitted to the Chrome Web Store for listing, I am currently waiting on approval.
These are the typical .vscode
and other configuration files which I add for consistency and convenience to any new project.
There are comments to describe which settings should be kept and which should be removed based on the type of project.
I also include a number of files in the .slides
directory which are the typical barebone files for a presentation using the ‘Slides’ extension in VS Code.
My current preferred IDE / code editor is Visual Studio Code, for a long number of reasons.
Almost identical to the existing forked package’s functionality, but with my own additions to make this extension headless so that I can use it with the Puppeteer browser automation platform as part of my Marchive product.
I may replace its use with an improved package in the future, as this one misses many of the cookie banners, modal dialogs etc… for URLs used with Marchive.
I am not currently much of a graphic designer, so I made this small utility which leverages the design of emojis for my product icons.
Feel free to use it yourself, please be mindful that the version hosted on my portfolio site is a little buggy until I get around to fixing it.
I created this small CLI application to demonstrate the OCLIF framework, DB ORM and MVC-like patterns, and Node JS project file structures for a friend of mine.
It does work (creates/uses database, renders CLI output, basic scheduling) but it does not actually make requests to check for prices.
Feel free to take any of this code for your own use, it would be an ideal boilerplate for a OCLIF - Sqlite CLI application.
I enjoy playing Sudoku when I need a break. So evidently I needed to build my own version. It works, it is quite difficult, and some time soon I will add it to my portfolio website.
It is a basic HTML-JS-CSS app which is quite elegantly designed (IMO), so feel free to clone the repo and play it on your own machine.
This is a repository containing extremely basic HTML, CSS and JS demonstrations which I created for a beginner friend.
If you are a beginner learner of those languages, take a look at the files as I have heavily commented each line with a non-jargon easy-to-understand explanation of everything I am doing.
Otherwise, take a look at my portfolio martinshaw.co for some of the professional e-commerce work I have done for international clothing, sport and musical instrument brands.
All other repositories are from the time at University and College. Don’t mind them.